Apr 13, 2004 10:12
i just droppd off my skitz to get her spaded n th suchin...dammit. i wish i dint hafta, but i kno ifn i dint then it wood just torture her when no one wood touch her butt..n course itd keep me up at nite like last night. but still. poor skitz. i just hope shis ok. i dunno..im scared sumthins gonna happen to her. i dunno y. shis my baby.. n then im scared that shis gonna change. like shi wont b as 'skitzy' when shi comes back. or that shill b like pissd at me n misbehave alla time in retaliation to wut i did to her. i dont think cats doo that...but shi is a lot like her mother. heh. poor skitz.. ifn they hurt her in any way i will kill them all. includin th lady at th other buildin that told me to go to th other buildin to drop her off. hopefully shill b th same smart dumbass skitz ive all grown to love. its so damn cute to watch her jump 6 feet in th air 7 times in 3 seconds, then stop n not move, then bolt outta th room, sliding on th floor when shi turns to go up th stairs. my lil baby kittie... ok fxck it, im done here. bastards...