It was just kind of better in comparison.
I realize that from now until school is done, I pretty much will have to have my ass-loaded with work. Which is a little crazy.
I won't really be able to go out at all, I'm not going to go to Wintersleep on the 24th, and at least I'm going to Final Fantasy on the 17th. But school is actually done in a month, and we all have so much shit to do.
I just think there's not a lot to really look forward to. Whereas this time last year, there just seemed to be so much potential, and the whole year was looking up. I dunno. I may head back to Mom''s really just one more month of school.
That'd be a good birthday present for her -- one more month of me.
All right,
can we talk about those fucking Captain Morgan commercials?
Sure, guy jokes are pretty funny.
But the sister's funeral? AND EVERYONE IN THE BAR COVERING FOR HIM?! My fuck. Like, his ass is dumped. Are these just all alcoholics saying --
"Hey. Fuck that dead hoe. Don't go to your girlfriend's sisters funeral...come party with THE CAPTAIN! HE'LL GET YA DRUNK!"
It's just brutal. Dude and everyone in that bar, yeah, you too, GOLDBERG, can go to hell. You buttsluts, her sister died!