Nov 22, 2010 17:05
Okay, so as many of you may know, I'm a typical Brit in many ways, not least in that I can only speak one language. Okay, so I have Spanish GCSE, but that was over a decade ago now and I'm pushed to do anything beyond 'please', 'thank you', 'my name is' and 'a beer please'. I also spent Monday nights last year doing Level 1 BSL, but I've moved since and no longer have a local centre where I can carry on with that.
However, I was browsing the BBC News site earlier and found a link to free language courses offered that they're offering online with support via e-mail. Given I'm part way through an intensive Masters course, now would of course be a really bad time to start something else, yet somehow I seem to have found myself signed up to the basic Spanish one. Oh well. I just hope some of my GCSE knwledge is still wedged somewhere....