For those following at home, my
Guillotine Valentine's Mixes are up.
Two one-hour mixes focused on love, sex, hatred, murder and violence.
There's one track on Mix 2 that I'm kinda proud of. It's not perfect, but it IS my first attempt at a mash-up. "Terrorfakt vs Joy Division - Love Will Tear Mephisto Apart". It's Terrorfakt's "Mephisto" remixed by Antigen Shift mashed with Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart". Even sped up to match beats with the Joy Division track, Mephisto is about two minutes longer overall, so the track starts and ends purely with Mephisto, with Love mixed in throughout. It's not great, but I like it. I'm considering actually spending more than 5 minutes on it and re-mashing it outside of the Guillotine mix. I really enjoy good mashups - I'm not claiming I can make good ones, but it's fun to try.
I'm going to try mashing together Atmosphere with something (not sure what yet) in my 15-Minute mix for re-Vamp. Run it back-to-back with This Girl Called Harmony and then into some heavier stuff...
My brain is spinning with musical mixes.