Fight Dream

Feb 01, 2007 16:20

I don't often remember my dreams, but it seems I am doing so more often of late. I noticed in the past that if I took melatonin before bed I was more likely to remember my dreams. I think I'll start doing that again, since my dreams have been more memorable anyways of late.

At the beginning of this dream I'm playing a video game with the gelflings, something lame and D&D-oriented, and I have to train how to fight using a hooked stick like a cane against some moderately well-animated female character in a green outfit who keeps kicking my butt. Some other events occur that I don't remember, and then I'm back to the cane-fight training scene, except its not in the video game this time.

We are in a circular room with a green floor and brown walls, I think it's the inside of a tree trunk. She forces me backwards as I try to land a blow with my cane, and I keep getting my cane hooked on hers and then I can't swing it properly. Finally, after being forced further back into another room, I manage to land three light taps on her with the cane and that training is over. Now I'm in a room with a bunch of beds and bunkbeds around the place as well as a bunch of long wooden tables. There are a bunch of people of both sexes in here and we are all gladiators or something of the like.

A few more training fights happen, and I lose them against the girl, but finally win one against a guy. Buoyed by the surge of adrenaline, I challenge and beat the girl in a knife fight this time, but just tap the tip of the blade on her chest, then her throat, and then her nose. I really see the knife, a wicked triangular weapon, a bit rusty, a bit blood-stained, but very very sharp. I leave a tiny cut that drips a small smear of blood at each place where I land the knife tip, but I know any one of the blows could have been deadly. We end up making out and then the scene fades to black as we fall into her bunk together.

I wake up and I'm doing the voice over for the scene - I'm talking about how a bunch of the guys were pissed at her and I bedding down, and so they have filed 'chits' against us. The chits are little square bits of colourful paper with a small 'stem' coming from one corner. It seems to be how the economy works in the fighting pits, each person has a limited number of these chits, and until they are paid off, the person they file them against 'owes them'. In my voice over I'm describing how the two of us have, since getting all the chits placed against me, managed to pay all the highest-value ones off, and have a group of tight friends now, with only minor chits outstanding.


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