Sold on Eberron

Jan 31, 2006 13:06

I bought the Eberron core book one day when I was trapped in a mall waiting to get glasses (I had lost my glasses at a beach, and couldn't see, and was hours from home). I had nothing else to do but sit in a pair of waiting rooms, so I bought the core book and read through most of it. It was neat, but I wasn't sold on it.

Gelfling #1, on the other hand, fell in love with it.

So, I bought the occasional book that caught my interest. Magic of Eberron because you can always use magic in other settings, and the Explorer's Handbook because... because I think John Cooper reviewed it well.

Well, there was one picture in the Explorer's Handbook that finally sold me on the game. It is a Mark Tedin pic (I love his magic cards), and it is of a town with an airship docking tower on a cliff. I need airship docking towers in my game now. Thus, I have Eberron now.

link to the image

So, we started our Eberron game a few weeks ago. The group is nice and cohesive, and they seem to be adapting nicely to how I prefer to run D&D now (I like putting in a month to a year of downtime between adventures). We played the first adventure from the back of the setting book, and then the first published adventure.

Then I went out and bought the rest of the Eberron books. And fell in love with Sharn.

So, my Eberron campaign is now a CyberPunk campaign, set in Sharn.

The latest game involved looking for a missing halfling girl. The party first went to her family, who turn out to be (of course) members of the major criminal elite of Sharn (sweet halfling mafia - the Boromar). They wait for a break in the game of rock-tossing they are playing, and get an audience with the Lath (head) of the clan. He's got elemental fire grafts for hands, which is their first exposure to grafts (cyberwear). They make some great diplomacy rolls (and a very lousy intimidate between our pirate character and the Lath's tough flunky), and get a letter of introduction to Jargie, a halfling who works at the docks where the missing girl went on her errands.

The Daask notice the party seems to be in the graces of the Boromar, and they get targeted for a bit of 'harrassing'. This was good because it taught them to be careful about fighting in public. No one got hurt badly or killed, but the point was made by the party's warforged that they should be a little more subtle while in public.

At the cliffside docks, Jargie tells the party about how the halfling girl is one of the Boromar connections to Cannith West, and how they help her help her boss move stuff out of Sharn to Cannith West, while she helps set up Boromar to receive secret shipments of last war weapons and warforged components from them in turn. He gives them the name and location of her connection in the cogs.

They head down to the cogs where they meet her connection, and discover another guy who was last seen with her. He's pretty easy to spot because he has a plant graft in one eye - another piece of cyberwear. I'm enjoying giving the NPCs magical equipment the party can't just loot in the form of grafts. They grab him and interrogate him (quickly, since his friends, including a bugbear) to find out that he sold her to a goblin brothel called the Broken Flowers. Now they are headed to the brothel to see if they can rescue her.

I would go on with the story behind the story, but of course two of the players read my journal.


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