I was talking to a friend last night and we got into the discussion of the war we about to go into..World War III. This isnt going to be like the other World Wars whereas we were helping other countries, this time the attack **IS** at us. September 11th is just a taste of what we are in for. Freedom as we know it is going to be something of the
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i dunno
its more like.. "jr wants to finish daddy's war"
the whole afghanistan thing.. i hate to say it, made sense
this bs with iraq though.. is just JR being silly.
thats a good thing
if they didnt find anything.. then i'd be worried
The Bush family made its money from the oil business.
guess what this "war" is doing to gas prices?
tho sadam may be an ass - his gov't is not one that supports the al-quida
so basicly - bin ladn is saying that iraq supports him
bush, "enraged" bombs iraq - bush is happy - oil prices rize because of the "threat in the mideast"
bin ladn is happy - as he can say "look at the american opressors.. they are bombing our arab cousins.. jihaad"
this makes the arab hostile towards the US.. and yeah.. things go down from there..
bush cant see that he's being played by his greed and his pride, by a smart(but insane) terrorist.
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