Nov 20, 2007 21:32
for some reason i kept thinking today was thursday. it must be the anticipation of going home and the long weekend. i was excited to actually go home (its been a while) but then i started thinking about the fact that i graduate in 3 and a half week 0.0 and i have sooo much shit to do before then. i even made a list:
* clean apartment and pack
* work tomorrow morning, then getting gas and leaving right away so that hopefully i can avoid too much traffic
* send out graduation announcements (they actually came today :) )
* turkey day with the WHOLE fam.... most of which don't know about the tattoos and will either oogle at them the whole time for lecture about them, and everyone is going to bug me about graduation and what i plan to do afterwards
*massive amounts of english hw- 6 stories to workshop and write critiques for, 2 story explications to write for stories i haven't even read yet, and 20 page portfolio to work on
*my research report/paper- the rough draft was due today (i don't think i've written this badly since freshmen year, good thing he only looked to see if all the sections were there), the final draft is due when we get back, plus we need to start thinking about our presentation and making the powerpoint (i hate powerpoint with a passion....)
* personality class catch up (i haven't gone to class in weeks. right now i have a D, not that i really care (if i did i would actually got to class) but i need to bring that up to at least a C- in order to pass. so one more paper due next thursday (i think) and the final
* uncle fred's b-day party on saturday, so any fam that i don't see on thursday i will definately see on saturday and i get to hear the whole tattoo/post-graduation lectures again :)
*work sunday at noon
* and i need to keep looking for jobs
speaking of which tho, i've discovered americorps, which is like the peacecorps, only they focus on problems in the usa, like poverty, crime, homelessness, etc. i'm looking in to that since the peacecorps are out of the question for the time being. they even have programs in michigan, so i wouldn't even have to move out of state. the main program that i am looking at right now focuses on homelessness in east lansing. the application is due by the end of the month... :)