now, that i am good and high, its time for an update! i was going to yesterday, but i got high and fell asleep, sorry all my loyal fans ;)
do i always make this face when i inhale?
so i went and saw the rundown, i think sunday, not a bad movie. i didnt like the actors. mainly because of their bad acting choices (but i guess you gotta start somewhere) but i liked them in this movie.
then on monday i saw school of rock. that movie was awsome! i expecially loved it sence i didnt here the word "metallica" in it. it was a great movie! but only if you like classical rock or punk. they had a lot of punk stuff in it.yeah, so, this next month is going to suck :( everybody and there mother is coming to houston, and i wouldnt be able to get that much time off.
i wanna go to ren feist. and on november 1st. taking back sunday is going to be at the verizon wireless theater. and thursday with thrice is going to be at numbers. and kmfdm at the end of october! and someone else... i cant remember. oh yeah! alkaline trio is coming too :(
all of this in a 3 week period. someone is not gonna get watched :( i havent decided what i wanted to go to more :( ok, im off, i am gonna look forsomething on tv and eat my grape slushy and mashpotatoes. :)