Dec 22, 2006 10:54
okay I had a crazy dream last night with many parts so bear with me.
part one:
Rachel, Tess, Erin, and I were running wild at some amusement park which was somehow serving alcohol free and unchecked. So Rachel, Erin and I stole some and while drinking, Rachel and I raced eachother through some insane obstacle course which was consequently a lot of fun. Tess meanwhile was in the car looking after her baby[!!!!!!] and we were racing back towards her. I think Rachel won the first time we raced and then we tied the second time. Good job.
part two:
I was with Poorav and we were hanging out with someone's apartment where we ended up spending the night. For some reason, he ended up giving us the bedroom whhile he slept outside on the couch. Anyway, we wake up in the middle of the night and there is some raging party going on and so many people are there, including my parents. So towards the end of the party, my parents and I get into a fight, in front of everyone, about whether I should be able to drive home by myself or not. I told her that Poorav would be with me so I wouldn't really be driving alone. Anyway, this fight escalated out of control and then she tried to slap me. Well she succeeded in slapping me, but for some reason it didn't hurt becuase I have superpowers which make me immune to pain. I love my dreams.
part three:
then an investigative team walks in and says that Mr. Darcy was killed during a fencing accident, and that it was in fact, NO accident. He had been murdered. So of course we are all sad, until the lady tells us that ONE OF US had killed Mr. Darcy. So of course I freak out because I had been drinking alcohol early during the day and I must have run him over while I was drunk driving. So me, Rachel, Tess, and Erin meet back at our car, which is really my mom's new Honda Pilot. So now the four of us are pretty sure that we are responsible for Darcy's death, but we have to evade the investigation somehow. So she comes to our car to ask us questions, and in the meantime we are getting some story together. We lie and say we haven't been drinking, and that we are very responsible young girls. Unfortunately, Tess is somehow still drunk. I wasn't even aware that she was drinking. And the fact that she has a baby somehow makes her more suspicious. So we freak some more. The dream ended in the four of us plus the baby runinng for our lives in some crazy police chase out of a movie.
I just read it over again. It was awesome. Hope you ladies have a great break, and I hope to see many of you.