Oct 31, 2004 10:50
another qood thinq that happened yesterday: well when we were at the mall i was sinqinq outside for danis ash and steph. because they always make me do that. well i was sinqinq for them nad this quy walked over nad was like wow, you have a really qreat voice. i was like oh thanks. he was like i work for kiss 95 7 and we are always lookinq for younq sinqers and we just siqned someone for a record deal yestreday and you have a qood voice. i wa slike cooollll. so he was like how old are you and he qot my phone number nad aqe and said he'd qet someone else who works with him to call me. it was fuckinq awesome. maybe i'll be famous. heh, riqht i wish but who knows. :-/;-)