Been a while...

Nov 02, 2010 00:13

Halloween just passed. I didn't work because I requested it off way at the beginning of this year. I bought some candy to hand out this year, and I got A LOT thinking there were gonna be a lot of kids! I haven't been home on Halloween nights in a while. The first few years we lived here in our current house there were A LOT of kids, but apparently over the years the number of kids coming around died down. And according to my sister in our neighborhood around our block only two houses including ours were giving candy out. :L

I stayed home hoping to watch The Simpsons Halloween Special and those Sunday night cartoons but couldn't because the Giants game was on instead. Argh! I also bought a lot of junk for my siblings and I to snack on that night but there was nothing to watch with those snacks. Really?! Halloween night?! NOTHING!?! :L

Nothing much happened. It's kinda sad, but yeah. My damn migraines came back on Monday and it interfered with my PQS testing. Didn't get anything signed off. I need to study some more though. Must study some more tomorrow!....which is today! later on. HEHE! anyway, There may be other things too, but I don't remember them right now.

OH YEAH!! Class ended in mid October and so I haven't been swimming since. And I swear, fansubbers are freakin' busy or something because there is nothing coming out in any of my fandoms except dramas and I don't want to watch dramas! It's driving me nuts!! getting depressed!! I need my weekly dose of rainbows, man!!! .... *sigh* at least they FINALLY have season 2 of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES up on HULU. I've been waiting for AGES!! damn these waiting periods!!!

Anyway, Imma go now. I need a life. Getting bored. I miss ARASHI!!!

parties, life, navy, events, family

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