Something's Gotta Give...

Feb 18, 2008 13:18

I haven't written here for quite some time mostly because what I've had to say people don't really want to hear. But right now I have to let at least a little out for or else I won't be able to stay focused on the numerous tasks that I now I to undertake to reconfigure my life's direction.

I'm frustrated at life and all its fucking obstacles I understand and accept that these character building circumstances help build you into a better person but FUCK am I sick of it right now. I've had my fill of bullshit over the last 4-5 months. Several deaths of close friends and family, unemployment for the third time in under 2 years, social drama, family crisises out wazzo (including my mom being financially and psycolocially screwed), and now I have a leak in yet another apartment. WTF is up cosmo's???? I feel that I'm a pretty awesome person as is and I'm just very tired of this tooth and nail BS that is my life. I know this is a bit woe is me and I'm really not looking for anything but some way of clearing my head so I can deal with everything on my plate.

Well now that I've done my bitching I'm going to go try to break up the huge ice glob on the fire escape that is pouring into my apartment. Since I know my fucking useless landlord won't do anything. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
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