Jan 04, 2006 12:00
[x] whats your name?: Erbear
[x] how old?: 16
[x] siblings?: 2 sisters
[x] their ages: 6 and 20
[x] female Or male: female
[x] birthday: march 24th
[x] Eye Color: shit brown
[x] Hair Color: black with blonde bangs
[x] Righty or Lefty: Righty
[x] Innie or Outtie: Innie hehehe
[[------WHAT IS------]]
[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: fuck you
[x] Your thoughts when you first wake up: god damnit
[x] The first features you notice in the opposite sex: hair
[x] Your best physical feature: eyes and lips
[x] Your bedtime: on weekdays around 10 and weekeneds whenever
[[------DO YOU------]]
[x] Smoke: indubidable
[x] Cuss: i could cuss all day
[x] Take a shower everyday:every night biznitch
[x] Have a crush: on many many girls
[x] Do you think you've been in love?: i still am
[x] Want to go to college: yes
[x] Want to get married: most definatly
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: meh
[x] Get motion sickness: only sometimes
[x] Think you're attractive: sometimes i think i am..most other times not
[x] Think you're a health freak: no way...but i should be
[x] Get along with your parents: my mom is like another sister to me
[x] Like thunderstorms: well duh
[x] Play an instrument: i used to
[x] Go to the mall: yeah psshhh...i hate that place
[x] Eaten sushi: i think i have..well maby not in the past month
[x] Been on stage: nah
[x] Been the dumpie: what?
[x] Gone skating: nah
[x] Been in love: yes
[x] Dyed your hair: lol like 4 different times
[x] Stolen anything: hmm not this month lol
[[------HAVE YOU EVER------]]
[x] Flown on a plane: nope
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: nope
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: nah
[x] Cried during a Movie?: nope
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: ewww
[x] Played a game that required removal of clothing?:no
[x] Been caught "doing something"?: nope
[x] Been called a tease: nope
[[------OPPOSITE SEX------]]
[x] notice first? : personality
[x] have a BF/GF?: yup
[x] any specific kind of guy/girl you into?: i love all girls!!!!
[x] been rejected?: hmmm yeah
[x] ever rejected someone? nope
[x] broken someones heart?: yup
[x] ever been heart broken?: definatly
[x] if so how many times?: hmmmm once
[x] been kissed recently?: yup lastnight hehehe
[x] Best eye color: green
[x] Best hair color: black
[x] Best height: taller then me..so when i hug im on there tummy=)
[[------NUMBER OF------]]
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: 2
[x] Number of CDs that I own: im not even gonna count
[x] Number of piercings: 5
[x] Number of tattoos: none
[x] Number of scars on my body: to many
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: not gonna tell
[x] Shampoo: man i like what ever smells good.
[x] Fav Color(s): green and black
[x] Day/Night: day
[x] Summer/Winter: winter
[x] Fave Food:mexican
[x] Fave Movies: better then chocolate
[[------RIGHT NOW------]]
[x] Wearing: some pants and a tank top
[x] Drinking: water
[x] Thinking about: this freaking thing
[x] Listening to: the radio in the background..(dont really care)
[[------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------]]
[x] Cried: no
[x] Worn jeans: no
[x] Met someone new online: no
[x] Done laundry: no
[x] Drove a car? :no
[x] Talked on the phone: yes
[[------FRIENDS AND LIFE------ ]]
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?:yes
[x] Who have you known the longest of your closest friends?: david
[x] Are you close to any family member?: my mom and my sisters
[x] Who do you hang around the most?: Will or david
[x] i love to____with people?: smoke
[x] what was the last thing you ate?: pretzles
[x] the last person u talked on the phone with?: my mom
[x] favorite drink?: dr. pepper
[x] the last movie that you saw?: amityille
[x] hugs or kisses?: hugs
[x] what book are u readin?: no book