So I'm tilting at windmills again ... unfortunately that's an English allusion to a Spanish novel, so it makes exactly zero sense in German and I can't come up with anything equivalent to get it across properly. Saturday morning I received texts and e-mails stating and asking, "I would love to come to Amerika," "I want to meet all your friends," "
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Interpretation, with commentary in parentheses:
I managed to find 10 spare minutes (to find a computer) today and get on the net and try to take a crack at changing things with you. (references against a series of one line e-mails we had the day before)
About yesterday, if you are preoccupied with a woman who only wants friendship with you, you will never be happy. (Glück is luck, while glücklich is happy ... shit like that gives fits to babelfish and similar programs)
It would be best to free your mind of her. (the obvious meaning being to make room for someone else to horn in on me)
Still wishing you a good day, (a standard comment, although the addition of noch (still) is an attempt to take away some sting from the above)
Lovely greetings Kess (Liebe Grüße is a standard sign off among with close friends, and is typically abbreviated as lg in text messaging and e-mails. getting the long version was likely for the same reason as the noch above)
After her comment in Leipzig that I was indecent, I was too decent. (zuviel implies bold print when written without the space between zu and viel) Now I can only wait and hope. Knightly love is always tragic so I doubt that this will turn out well for me ... (Ritterlich was the closest I could find to the typical "chivalric love from afar to someone either uninterested or unavailable" and "tragic" references against a previous comment of hers)
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