My tweets

Jan 29, 2012 12:07

  • Sat, 19:43: Forgot the Moment today lol Poor Darling xD
  • Sun, 00:04: Internet stick is the fucking worst shit. I am angry. I would kill it if it wasn't already dead
  • Sun, 00:08: No birthday wishes today coz I am not in the mood ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
  • Sun, 00:53: Actually i thought its hitlers birthday today but it was wrong. Much hitler on tv though (´・_・`)
  • Sun, 00:58: もう気にならない
  • Sun, 01:00: 太った自分が気になっちゃったけど(−_−;)
  • Sun, 01:11: 突然疲れて来た!(´・_・`)
  • Sun, 01:12: Why am I so tired suddenly? Well I know why. Shot my whole genkidama away. (~_~;)
  • Sun, 01:17: テレビに出る? ん~ どうでもいい。
  • Sun, 01:24: So exhausted that you can't even go to the toilet. Horrible feeling x.x
  • Sun, 01:55: freezing...I dont get why the fucking heater is always off at night here..wanna go home..there I have a heater which also works at night T_T
  • Sun, 01:59: will also go to bed I guess..tired x.x and internet doesnt work properly + makes me depressed lately XD


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