May 16, 2009 06:47
Sounds like this will be bashing...but no...don't want to write about it..there is not really enegery left I want to get rid off right now xD
Everything is said in my new shiny icon which probably be my standard icon for the following months.
Browsing the dorama entry at the eito com makes me so aggresive...I seriously prefer the one by pinku at the news com. I mean both coms have some annoying people but I rather prefer watchful than some others jealous K8 fans at the other com who just can't shut up. I know it's a pretty macabre imagination but I wouldn't mind if Sousuke would DO them. K8 should be love but sometimes I really have the feeling they would like it to be K6...why they are so gross...I am glad for everyone if they have a new dorama soon even if I won't watch it..and they are like the jealousy in person...I could already say it's time for Ryousuke with his killing hands to make some am glad that JE doesn't know how gross some of their fans are.. :( It would be too embarrassing and I would feel sorry as well. I just did what I didn't want to do in the very first place...XD
I just noticed that I am's 7am now...I don't mind..I didn't sleep well for the last 2 today I won't try to sleep just doesn't work D: watched episode 8 of Osen yes...finally! But I think I can't continue watching without eaten something...Osen always makes me so hungry...all that delicious looking food...I already asked myself some hours ago what lunch will be today..I hope it's something Though everything we have for lunch is delicious...I am fine with everything. <3
Now I said enough. :O
Ah...yes...managed Base 5 + 6 + Königsdorf...juchuuu~ XDD you don't know what I am talking about...but that's okay LOL
need to finish Osen quickly. I finally want to start the Quiz show with Sho as Günther Jauch and Yoko as...hmm didn't think of a german vip guy for Yoko yet who fits. XD
je: kiddo,
je: eito,
je: news