It's snowing again......looked at google's weather forcast..and what does it say? from Thursay to Sunsay .....SNOW!
(and I think if it would be able to show me monday and tuesday it would be SNOW as well.)
I seriously can't stand this snow anymore. D:
I already forgot how many weeks we have snow...all I know is I want spring...spring....spring...birds, flowers....simply GREEEEEN and not WHITE anymore T__T
It's cold..snowy...and you don't want to go outside at all...baah...and I am wondering why I have so much of that snow here....I mean usually we don't have often snow in the region I live in winter...but this time I feel like living in Bavaria or something. It might be not as much as there but that doesn't change the fact that it's annoying...I am really not a winter least not for a long time..because it didn't snow at xmas for ages...and that's the only time I would like to see snow...hmmpf...I am hungry...very hungry...T_T
Hmm I would have my job interview in one I am more annoyed about the fact that it seems that the woman didn't get my information. Well never mind that's her task...I would like to translate a Ryo j-web entry now..but there is none..please worte an j-web entry today Ryo! :D (You know it's thursday anyway and thursday is your j-web entry writing do it please to motivate me! :D)
Btw yesterday I couldn't eat fish..but maybe today *__* I at least look forward to it...didn't go to the dentist yet..I am so lazy (-__-) but you usually just go when it hurts right? It's snowing awefully anyway...the second excuse is more reasonable..because I don't want to go 30minutes to that dentist when the weather is like feet are already freezing even though I am inside and wear thick socks. D: But I am usually a frostbite anyway...but well it is said that fat people are freezing quickler anyway. XD Okay I have grumbled enough...*searches for breakfast*
Btw..mir is grad uffjefallen dass Baru im March Potato scan wieder voll einen auf
BF X BF mit Maru macht XD
Und ganz zufällig hab ich bock drauf euch meine gestellte Stimme hören zu lassen, wenn ich sowas nur nachgesprochen aber
SO verändere ich meine Stimme immer wenn ich was gayes sehe Ich glob meine Stimme klingt aber schwuler als das ganze aussieht. XD (Für seinen Schnäuzer sollte Baru sich trotzdem nen Waffenschein holen T___T)
DAITA IN WHITE + WHITE GUITAR = PURE LOVE *______* Daita <3 but still I think in Binecks he can't exploir his guitar skills entirely though he has this nice guitar solo there..hmm...Hideeeeeeki what are you doing right now...break up with K-A-Z and reform Siam Shade. T____T I want the 2007 budokan concert as a dvd release...buuuuhuuu ;___; *cries endlessly* Hideki DO IT...and donate the money from the sold dvd to the POOR KIDS IN RUMANIA again as usual! D: