I rather say...after Ryo made Torn to a Porn I decided to honour Ryo for his glorious Porn PV and made him my master of Disaster my LJ again. Yes he really deserved it to be the model for my lj layout again! :D
Well the story why I have such a header is easy told via a msn talk between ha-chan and me....
(00:33) ★はーちゃん ☆:los ruuuuuuuf an
Go! Caaaaaaaaaaaaall (00:33) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:nee
no (00:33) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:ich muss ryos erotisches video angucken
I have to watch Ryo's erotic video (00:34) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:aus dem Lied Torn hatta jetzt nen Porn gemacht xD
He made the song Torn a Porn XD (00:35) ★はーちゃん ☆:XDDDDDDDDDDDD (00:35) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:ich will das in HQ T________T
I want that in HQ T_______T (00:35) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:das is geil T_____T
It's sexy T______T (00:35) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:*rattig wird* XDDDDDDDDD
*gets horny* XDDDDDDDDD (00:35) ★はーちゃん ☆:xDDDDDDDDDD (00:35) ★はーちゃん ☆:leeeeeeegga
delicioooooooous (00:36) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:lol (00:36) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:na wenn da sogar ryos intimbereich druff is..is aus ey
well...if there is even ryo's genital ares...then it's over (00:36) ★はーちゃん ☆:voll pervers
totally perverted (00:36) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:erotik °_°
erotism °_°
(00:54) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:ich bin jetzt voll geil aufn neues layout aber mit ryo o.ô
I am really horny for a new layout but with ryo o.ô (00:55) ★はーちゃん ☆:net nur darauf geil XD
not only horny for that XD (00:55) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:auf was denn sonst? >___>
for what else? >___> (00:55) ★はーちゃん ☆:xDDDDDDDDDDD (00:55) ★はーちゃん ☆:rat ma
guess what (00:55) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:.......... (00:55) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:bin ich gar net T~T
not at all T~T (00:56) ★はーちゃん ☆:☆ Dodoro Mori ~ 忘れられへん 離れられへん ∞ sagt:
das is geil T_____T
☆ Dodoro Mori ~ 忘れられへん 離れられへん ∞ sagt:
*rattig wird* XDDDDDDDDD <--- BEWEIS (Proof)
(00:56) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:ich hab meinen scheiß da wird man net geil xDDDDDD
I have my menstruation You can't get horny then xDDDDD (00:56) ★はーちゃん ☆:na klar xDDD
of course xDDD (00:56) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:ach ich gebs ja zu <.< wenn de dich dann besser fühlst xDDDDDDDDDDDD
ach...I admit it <.< if you feel better then xDDDDDDDDDDD (00:56) ★はーちゃん ☆:XD (00:57) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:auch ich muss ma schwach werden v.v
even me must become weak from time to time v.v (00:57) ★はーちゃん ☆:is ja och net schlimm
yes It isn't something bad (00:57) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:er will es ja so o.ô
He wants it in that way o.ô (00:57) ☆ Dodoro Mori ~:>,< (00:57) ★はーちゃん ☆:genau xDD
exactly xDD
Pretty difficult to translate our weird german dialect. D:
Whatever I love my layout even if it does look a little bit gloomy because it's so dark XD and also because I tried out a totally new layout...it looks more professional I think XDDDDD
on the other hand my profile will become very colourful! But I am too lazy to do it now. It's almost 5am anyway *lol*
Aaah today Riw filled me again with Ryouchi evidence. So we really can say...it's was a pornful day! :D