What's going on between you and the last person you kissed? nothing anymore? XDDD though I am not sure who was the last person I "kissed" I think it was Sushi XDD
Would you eat a cockroach for your last ex if they asked you? Definitely not Ö_Ö
What friend do you tell the most to? Hachan :D
How's your heart lately? eeehm...no idea...I don't want to look insidie of it becasue I am afraid that it is painful and makes me emo again oO
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Don't know and don't care XDD
What are you listening to right now? 未来 - 時が終わるまでただ Hidekiiii~ <3
Have you ever punched a hole in the wall? Nö
Where were you at 2:00 this morning? I think on my computer o.O
Where's the weirdest place you've changed clothes? in the kitchen LOL I sleepwalked once..when I was younger xDDD
Do you wear glasses? hmm..sometimes but not usually
What's in your cd player? Empty?
Anything annoying you right now? Right now? No...but some hours ago my mum was in a very bad mood -_-
If you could do something differently, would you go back? Who would answer this question with yes? XDD
What will you be doing in a half hour? Lying in my bed probably XD
Who is the last person you talked on the phone with? Öhm.....no idea since I hate phoning
Are you going anywhere for the next summer? No idea...it's useless to plan things because in the end they burst like a bubble.
Did you have plans today? NO? :D and actually I am happy with that because in that way I am not choking like other people because of the stess
Are you waiting for anyone's call right now? Nope. I never await a call with joy anyway. XD
Is the last person you kissed mad at you? Who knows.
Do you regret something you did yesterday? Hmm....no
Favorite quote from the song you're listening to?
When skies are dark and you're in need
I'll catch you when you're fallin'
When times are though I'll set you free
and be here for you always
I am yours
you are mine
we can't deny it
It's kitschy, huh? XD
What kind of bottoms are you wearing? Blue slip, light blue jeans (okay? XD)
How many windows are open on your computer? eeeehm....you don't want to know....19 windows....and 15 tabs in firefox 8DDDDD
Story behind your myspace name? keksmannlover -> cookieman = Ryo = Ryolover.....understandable? XD
Is something bothering you right now? eah..I have too many windows openend again....and finally I had to write it down and feel embarrassed for it because it's everytime like this. XDDD
Are you sarcastic? lol...I guess so? 8D
Are you shy? Yup _<
Are you talkative? not really. I was talkative when I was younger...but when I noticed that no one is listen to my blahblah anyway I stopped it XD
What are you doing tomorrow? I don't know yet? XD
Where did your last hug take place? in Schwedt at the train station
Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past month? Maybe?
When was the last time you smiled? some minutes ago XD
Do you secretly like someone? Nö
Who was the first person you talked to today? My mum
What are you looking forward to? Christmas + New Year's Eve
Do you fall for people easily? Nö
What's the last thing you put in your mouth? a cigarette
Have you ever kissed anyone named Trey? Who's Trey lol? I didn't know that such a name exist o.O
Who was the last friend you rode in a car with (not family)? Baba's mum together with Baba, Sushi and Jenny
How late did you stay up last night and why? I forgot it XD guess it was 3 am
If you could move somewhere else, would you? Of course I would.
Do you prefer to call or text? Difficult I would actually say text but a text can't replace a voice of someone who's dear to you. And with writing there is always a big chance that you and the person you talk to could understand things different
When was the last time you cried really, really hard? Hmm...it's not that long ago...maybe a month or such o.O
Can you live a day without TV? Have no problem at all with it....
Do you regret doing anything this week? ehm..no
Who did you last talk to for longer than 10 minutes on the phone? Hmm..Ö_ö I think hachan but thats months ago...was it this year? I am not sure. XDDDDD
Would you ever become a vegetarian? Nope...I am a meat-lover Ö_ö
Last person you went to the movies with? When was the last time I went to the cinema? XDDD
How often do you talk on the phone? once in a month? XD
What is wrong with you right now? I am yawning...so I should be tired xD.
What do you wear to bed? a shirt and long or short trouser xD
What is the longest you have been in the car for a road trip? Maybe 10 hours...don't know
Have you ever been around someone who was high? nö
Have you ever played a Wii? YES XD
How many months are there until your birthday? 8
Did you like anyone last summer? Yes, I did