Yesterday I was in Berlin with my teachers and everyone from class 11. o.O It was....well üretty strange and exhausting. xD
art musuem was fun! :D Many nice pictures. yay! XD
But then...I went shopping with my rookie mother aka my art-teacher. We went together to an Asia Shop! :DDDDD So I bought some Pockys and plums bonbons. <3 and my teacher gave me a free chinese newspaper. It even had Jay Chou in it. :DDDDD
Well...but I think this was nearly the only enjoayable part of our shopping tour. We went to the KaDeWe. I never entered it and now I know again why. Fucking high society. @,@ But my teacher bought a parfum for her son there for only 55€ yay! :D
We went to X and Y place, to Wertheim where she bought 6 saucers plates for just 54€ again as a present for his other son, to a bookstore where she fangirled over a artist who builds great bridges. Unluckily the book cost 100€ so she couldn't buy it. *lol*
we also went to burger king together. She paid my burger and my coke. Ö-Ö This woman is just too friendly I guess but I know that she likes me in a way and is concerned about me. :/ She is even more concerned about me than my own mum which makes it x_______X
History musuem was..well actually I wouldn't call it broing but if you have to fill out a sheet of paper it's not fun at all and we treid to leave as soon as possible. Unluckily we couldn't leave because a girl we needed for our coat check was still in the museum. So she had to wait for her. :/
Just 2 random pics when I felt like taking some XD the graveyard was kind of spooky *lol* XD
But then we went to burger king again and I ate 2 burgers again! :/
Random pic I took just for fun. :/
We walked along the Kudamm to go to the Schaubühne to watch Molière there. We counted Porsches and well...I wanted to see famous people but there weren't any. :X
the theater was..well...kind of perverted and full of vulgar words. It was interesting though but in general the story was a little bit....x.x
And then we finally went home at 11 pm. So I was at home at 1.30 am.
sorry for looking that gloomy. xD but my mother's boyfriend took the digicam to Norway. xD
(I am always wondering why I have this strange lifting beside my mouth. :/ It looks like ma mouth should become longer. xD)
Aaah yes nearly forgot something interesting. I've found a german Ryo in the 11th classes @_@ he is moving like him and his facial features are like Ryo's :DDDD