May 13, 2004 12:40
OK ... I vow that I will NOT do ANYTHING to jeopardize what I have at home. EVER!
This has been CRAZY! What am I thinking?!?!?
I'm not going to do anything with anyone unless it's my husband. I'm so flustered with all that goes on around me but today ... I woke up ... and thought ... what beats this?? What beats what I have??? NOTHING. So what is worth throwing it all away?? NOTHING!
I love my husband ... I truly truly do. I think he and I have both made mistakes (some worse than others but who's keeping track) and I want this to work more than anything.
We have SUCH a great family. The problem is .. we don't spend any time together. NONE. He works and I work .. both full time and we arranged our schedules so that we wouldn't have to put our infant in day care. So .. I only see him at night! Seven days a week .. one of us is working.
So, I've been unfair. I've been talking to people who have no priorities in their life and ... I'm feeling REALLY bad about everything now. I could be sick.
We've decided to eliminate other family members from coming over the house so much. I mean, when you DO have time to cuddle or be intimate, there is always someone around. So .. that's out. It's a hard enough obstacle to take the children out of the equation ... but then "outsiders" on top of that?
So ... I'm starting to really appreciate that I started writing in this thing.
I love him ... he's always been the man of my dreams. I can kick my addictions ... I just need to focus.
Wish me luck!