New gym

Jun 04, 2007 08:14

Well, I have moved to a new gym much closer to the new house (2 blks north of work actually). I made it irrevocable by going through the hassle of cancelling my old membership. Seriously - the place is almost 10 miles out of my way now that we've moved, so how realistic is it that I'll make it now that it's not just a brief jog south of the house? The new one is less than $10 more a month since I get the membership subsidized through work. However, I feel much trepidation about the new one - the old one was very utilitarian and no frills, the new one is just about as swanky and high-brow as you can get. They have lots of amenities (including valet parking and a full service spa) and a locker room that is twice as big as our house and nicer than most 5 star restaurants. I. Am. Intimidated.
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