New Year's Resolutions

Jan 05, 2009 20:28

1. Drink more water - I'm horrible about this. I hate water. But darn it - it's good for you and I ought to drink more of it.

2. Work out more consistently. I seems like I'm either 'on' and never miss or 'off' and can go for a month without a good workout. I have the time, just need to stop making the excuses.

3. Entertain more simply. Sure I find cooking relaxing and I absolutely adore coming up with new recipes, but I think go overboard and make some folks uncomfortable. So I ought to tone it down and make it simpler. Yep, right after this next time. Honest.

4. Stay in more. I haven't counted, but with the exception of the month of October we were out more nights than we were home just about every month this year. This really needs to slow down. I am such a 'planner' though and I have no problem finding things to do and people to see, so pretty soon we're out more than we're in. I do think we ought to have more quiet evenings at home. (big talk seeing as how I have every weekend fully booked til the 1st of Feb - *sigh* I'll keep working on this one)

5. Write in my LJ more. I really should be doing some quick blurbs on what we're up to and how things are going. I realize life goes by in such a blur that sometimes it's hard to remember one year to the next and I should keep more of a record.

I think that's enough for now.
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