Just One of Those Things

Jul 01, 2008 23:32

I haven't updated in a while, and am not going to attempt any grand catch-up gestures at the moment, but I like to document my flights of fancy just so I have some kind of record that I do have feelings every once in a while. The last time I talked about how much I liked someone he dropped off the face of the earth (although I do see him several days a week walking by Traxx at Union Station). I know that my relations with Jeffrey are at best casual and undetermined, but as I told Katie the other night when we were playing Scene It, I miss him when I'm away from him for a few days. Now it's been nearly two weeks and I get to see him tomorrow night, just for a casual night of games with Katie and her friends, and I'm really looking forward to it. I am enjoying liking someone, door-filled hallway metaphors and uncertain futures and all. And even though we're not "together" or anything, I've seen him more times now than any non-Zach, Scott or Dan guy in my life...which is kind of sad when I think about it but let me explain.
Maybe it's because I'm watching Friends and getting to the ninth season where things just start working out for the characters with fun new obstacles and faux-mances and fights and makeup sex and everything, and I just want to be back in that world. Wait, what do I mean "back?" As more and more time goes by the five months with Scott (sort of) seem less and less significant timewise, although I will never discredit how much I learned from that experience and particularly the aftermath of it.
I love what I have right now; I have a fantastic roommate who is like a great partner: we're together when we want and apart when we want, not codependent but we care about each other enough to send each other random text messages about Batman movies or photos of Jack Sparrow walking through Hollywood. I'm on tenterhooks waiting to hear about the job interview, and of course each minute I don't get a call makes me more and more convinced I didn't get the job (ignore the fact that the interview was just this past Thursday) and my thesis due date is looming two and a half months away and I kind of need to start on it, and I'm still waiting for my checks for a month and a half of writing for GayWired, and George Bush is still both President and attached to my abdomen, but really, I am darn happy tonight and I want to put that out there. And even if he doesn't know it, or is otherwise non-complicit with the fact (and he should not feel obligated or responsible for having been or continuing to be), this guy is, even in absentia, a big part of that. And for that I am grateful.


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