Body Whirls

Jan 24, 2008 18:19

I should probably update about my weekend now that it's Thursday and I may want to look back on it someday.
Friday Aaron drove me home for what was supposed to be a party with him, Katie, Amanda and Heath, but Amanda and Heath ended up not being able to make it. We got pizza, drank wine and mixers, and played a modified version of Taboo: KA vs. DA vs. KD. At first DA was kicking serious ass but then we switched jobs and things started to even out, and finally, no joke, the three teams ended up with an exact tie. By then it was only nine or so and Katie's PT friends were going out so we decided to join them at The Little Temple, a little bar on Santa Monica in the middle of the ghetto across from the 7-Eleven (where do they find these places?). And then it got packed. It's the first time I had gone out in a while, and I did pretty well. Katie said she liked introducing me and seeing who hit on me...I'm not sure anyone did but one girl said I was cute, so that's good. Plus I had a little "get low" war with some girls...I've still got it, although there quickly ran out of room to get anything. I prefer those good old gay clubs (read: Tigerheat) that play stuff I know and can dance to and have gay people, but whatever. By midnight we were ready to go home, and Katie had a friend over and Aaron took off. That night Gordon, a guy I met while arguing about the merits or lack thereof of a porn profession (both of us were pro-porn) on a news feed, asked me to dinner the next night. NERVES! I said yes.
Saturday I had a haircut with Aurora, the lovely hairdresser who still does $15 cuts down by USC. Then I spent the afternoon worrying about the date, picking out clothes, calling Lauren even...then got on a bus to O-Bar in West Hollywood and had a delicious dinner of mussels and sauce and fries and drinks, one of which was on the house because Gordon knows the owner, who was a doll. We were at one point on the porch and I was starstruck because the woman who played the lesbian in Legally Blonde was there and I love her (she's also done guest spots on CSI and, recently, Desperate Housewives) and Gordon and I were exchanging hospital stories (lovely, right?) and this other queen was sitting behind us and telling us about how he got addicted to morphine and then heroin and all that...which was a bit much for me but I rolled with it. We also got to meet a couple of Gordon's other friends, a pair of hot blonde lipstick lesbians of which type I have never before met. We rolled out of there around midnight in his Mustang to his place with the yapping wienerdogs and a sleeping roommate and talked and sort of pretended to watch Harry Potter, and when he said "Do you mind if we just crash?" I could honestly say I didn't at all, and slept somewhat fitfully (it's weird sharing a bed after so long) but happily, but worried about waking up on time.
Because the next day I had to be at my place by 10 (Gordon LOVED that, let me tell you) to meet Kim and Chris and go out to Monterey Park for dim sum with Michael and his wife and Ross, who showed up unexpectedly. We just had Chris order things. The weirdest was chicken feet, which I tried and am afraid didn't like because there wasn't much meat, if any, and the bones were too small and brittle, but I tried! It didn't cost too much either, which was good on my budget.
The rest of the weekend was pretty dull. The morning after haze with Gordon was misleading: it's hard to judge someone or if you like someone when he's obliged to drive you back early in the morning when neither of you wants to and you haven't had breakfast. All the stuff went through my mind, like would I even be open to pursuing this, or whatever, and I put him, mentally, sort of on the backburner. Then yesterday I came home and was telling Katie I felt like he was kind of like a bottle of wine: I got nice and drunk the first time out but then had to deal with the hangover the next morning (this is metaphor people, go with it), but as the days went by I got used to the idea and started opening up to the possibility of another drink, or even buying the bottle if it came to that. Opening up to, not committed to, the idea. So I asked him to go with me to see Steve's production of Sunday in the Park With George this Sunday (appropriate) and he agreed. He invited me to dinner and drinks with friends tonight after his spin class he teaches but I said I was busy (in fact, I just can't afford it). He knows I'm in limbo, job-wise, and I told him I would like to go out with him again I just can't spend money really, and he was fine with that, so he says. In a metaphoric mood I also told Katie one of the best things about him: I don't have a lot of baggage but the little I do is somewhat significant, and that was what I would be most concerned about in meeting anyone nowadays. But, as I told her, he seems to have the matching set. Always a nice thing. So we'll see what happens, if anything. Stay tuned, dear readers.
On a final note (eerily final) I was reading an article about how one of the two major plastinated body exhibits (not Body Worlds, the other one) was getting in trouble for not having the right proof of consent from its donors, and I revisited the idea of body donation. I think it might be something I would like to do, since I can't really be an organ donor, so I looked at the consent forms and filed the idea away in my head for future perusal. In case my demise is premature, though, I'd like to make clear I do not want to take up space in an expensive coffin in the ground somewhere, and at the very least want to be cremated. But I'd rather my body contribute to science and knowledge, and plastination seems like the most permanent way to do it (just don't give me to know what they do with those bodies!).

dating, friends

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