Frustrations resolved - hopefully

May 26, 2010 10:43

Life has been good - but there have been some frustrations.

Bean is still having behavior issues - on a strange cycle. He didn't respond well to me going out of town - and there still seem to be aftereffects. There's only 1 week left in school, and he's going to be spending a bit of it at home and in In School Suspension. Sigh. We FINALLY got in touch with the referral specialist at his Doctor's office - only to be told we didn't need a referral for Mental Health issues. WTF?!? I've been calling each time Bean had an episode, and never got the person - but noone in that office knows that MH is a separate issue? ARGH!

So - I got a list of doctors, and then dug around to find the Provider directory for CHIP, and found one on the list. It's not as close as I'd like - but 1/2 hour isn't so bad. I make the call - and was VERY lucky that they had a new patient cancel, because otherwise, they were taking appointments in September! Instead, we'll be taking Bean in on Friday at 10 am. I'm hoping that we can figure out tools to help Bean control his anger - because I don't really want to go the medicine route w/o trying other options first. So - fingers crossed that this will work out, and that we can hopefully get him prepared for a better 1st grade.

We finally got rid of the old car the other day. It was the one with the one with the blown transmission. It was never worth fixing, so we had just left it at the repair place. We kept calling in the morning to find out what we needed to do, and they never called back (funny how that happens). Red finally called yesterday in the middle of the day, and after hemming and hawing about a storage fee (not our fault you didn't call us back to let us know our options) - they agreed that if we brought over the title, we would do an even exchange for the work done, and that it would be over. Mentioning a contact to a lawyer probably didn't hurt matters. While we might have been able to get some salvage value more than the $400 we owed - it wasn't worth the headache. So - the title is there, and we have paperwork saying we don't own the car anymore. So today, I called our insurance company and removed it from the policy - I didn't want to do that until it was legally NOT ours - just to be on the safe side. This should save a little money, although we only had liability on it, and it wasn't a new car. But every little bit helps.

So - 2 items of frustration are done or in the process of getting better, hopefully.


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