Booklist 2010 #30 and 31

May 20, 2010 13:50

#30: British Coracles and Irish Curraghs by James Hornell (NF)
An interesting book, based on article he wrote in the 1930's in a Marine Technology Journal. It gives the basics of Coracle history, including good quotes from Caesar, Gerald of Wales, etc. Much of his work is the basis for historical portions of 'Nets and Coracles' - so now I have better quotes and am 1 step closer to original info. I didn't read all of the curragh info, since that isn't my interest - but I did get a picture of an extant hide-covered coracle in the Elgin museum, which is really cool, and looks remarkably like our version.

#31: Beyond the catch: fisheries of the North Atlantic, the North Sea and the Baltic, 900-1850, ed. Sicking and Abreu-Ferreira (NF)
A series of articles on the subject of fish and fishing in Northern Europe. Very interesting details, including the use of fishponds, fish farming, the rise of cod and herring in the fishing markets, and the use of fish for fasting days in the Catholic Church. Most were interesting, but there really wasn't any information about fishing nets or coracles, which is unfortunate.

To Date:
Fiction: 15
Non-Fiction: 16


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