Jul 12, 2006 13:36
Well this is weird cause I haven't written in about 3 years..literally! This comes to show how bored I actually am! Well I am sitting here at home doing nothing just spontaneously cleaning my room so when our guests arrive they can sleep in there (yuck) I hate having guests sleeping in my room! And with all this time on my hands I realzized how sucky this summer is..I wake up around 10, make breakfast, T.v. aimlessly walk around the house, go on the computer, lunch, clean stuff and then run oh and the occasional go to work. It's so much fun! THe funny thing is I thought this summer was going to be great since I could drive..but its not I dont go anywhere. Last night I went bowling got four strikes in a row and wehen the game was over it was bye! and back home. I don't know....what else to say I am just pretty much bummed out and I have a cold...I dont want school to start and I miss North Dakota! I actually liked it there, the small towns and everything amnd the people there were farmers...not hicks like our fellow florida rednecks try to be. Just humble farmers and there kids were just like normal kids they hung out on the curb of there little 100 pop. town. I want to live there :)
Well thats my summer yay