May 16, 2009 21:04
So, i've decided to make the best of the time i have left with Mike. It doesn't always work, for example, when he gets a new game that he obsesses about when there are things that need done like dinner, but i'm trying.
I should be gone within the month. Mom needs to sit down with Ron and figure out when they're going to do it and how much they're willing to pay. If i knew that i might have stayed at work a little longer or not given my clay away, but alas, there is nothing that i can do about it now. It's probably good for my wrist that i not do any throwing on the wheel for a while anyway. I really need to get my cameras out and go out to shoot something. Maybe the horses or something.
so i'm mostly packed up. Mike is putting up some road blocks, but i'm just going to have to hunker down and clean his shite up as well. I wish he'd do it himself, but oh well, i don't see it getting done when i want it done.
not much to update really. the first drafts of the separation are apparently in the mail to us, and we have some paperwork to figure out, but past that, nothing new has really happened. I'm still packing, working on gaia stuff, and trying to keep the peace with Mike.
business as usual.