Feb 01, 2005 16:33
hello...umm well today i woke up 30 minutes late so i went to school looking like crap. anywho .. i went to school and in social studies jessica got moved :( becuase we talk too much ughhh so now i sit by sarah J. and she was wearing some major highwaters hahahaah remember jessica..welll leigh ann and i had to go to TUTORING hahahaha with mr.deeb hahaa (notice how 4/6 of the kids were girls) seee i CAN do math. we did this retarded circle chart thing .. it was soo easy..i dunno why we even needed to do it .. buttt whatever..hahaa leigh ann was so funny today hahaha. ahh. wellll tomorrow ill be in gym so ill see u laura! well <3 u guys! byee!