We'll never miss a party cause we keep 'em going constantly.

Jun 29, 2005 13:52

So basically this has been a most interesting week for me....I'll start it off on last Thursday, this is my story:

So like, I go to work with Jayden nothing special really, just keep him company and help him out. So he has to work 3 games which I don't mind, but in the middle of the last game Jayden and go outside for some "fresh air" and as we're walking by, this little like grade 11 kid starts mouthing off at us. It goes something along the line of "What the fuck are you looking at?" at first we didn't know he was talking to us, but then we look back and he is. as we walk out the door he goes "Fucking Faggots" and we get a little pissed off. So we're talking outside and like Jayden says "Do you think we should go back in there" and I just say he's not worth it and that's all. So then the game ends and we head home.

On Friday I go to a party with like a whole bunch of my friends. It was pretty fun, we played pool, talked and then Ate. My one friend Nick brings his guitar Veronica and so these guys start yelling at him "PLAY KRYPTONITE" so he starts and him and I start singing the correct lyrics along with the song...then the idiots come in and start screaming nothing here's how it goes: I took a walk around the world to ease my troubled mind, I left my body lying somewhere in the sands of KRYPTONITE YEAH SUPERMAN FIND ME KRYPTONITE YADHASDVSHJSD. So we decide to just stop there. So we look on the internet for some music to play so we play a song from The Odds, Some BNL and then We sing Wonderwall and God put a smile on your face/green eyes. That was pretty fun. So the party ends and Nick and I clean up...no big deal. Then we all head home. So I got to my friend Kyle's place to borrow a video game. So, I start heading home... Did I mention I have a whole Little Ceasars pizza and a two litre of pepsi. As I walk pass this one guy heading to his truck he starts talking, the conversation goes something like this...

Hey, how're you doing?
Alright, you?
Fine, I see you got your pizza and pepsi
That's all I need to call it a night
Where are you heading?
you need a ride?
Sure why not?
Hop on in.

So I get into a car with a total stranger. But he dropped me off so all is well. That was my Friday.

Then on Saturday, I go to a party with Jayden for his Maja. It was alright except that his little tard of a brother Matty was there. So we're watching the MMVA 2005. and anyways there are like 5 or 6 of us watching it and The Arcade Fire start playing. They were pretty good actually. and this one guy who likes em Said "David Bowie loves him". Long silence "Do you know who David Bowie is?" and then the little Tart Matty goes "Oh yeah, have you heard (rambles off two songs)? He sucks." Right then and there I wanted to just Punch him. But I let it go...he's like what. Jayden? he's like 15 right Jayden? Anyways so we have dinner and Watch a little more of the MMVA's and low and behold Ashley Simpson is doing a performance....needless to say she hit it right on the nail proving how much talent she really has....which is like none. But then Jayden's tard brother Matty says "I love Ashley Simpson, she's awesome" and right then and there I just left the room and went outside. Then on the way home Jayden and I had a discussion about musical taste about how talent is in the eye of the beholder. and I proceed to say Except for Ashley Simpson which he says to someone she has talent. and I just end up saying something like "No she doesn't. I think Jayden just said it to add fuel to the fire. But anyways I drop him off at his house and head to mine....which was fun as I'm walking home this guy passes me on a bike and just yells "HEY!!" and keeps on riding by....Crazy Hick. That was Saturday.

Now Sunday was alright, Got up, played some videogames, talked with my sister and her boyfriend and then Jayden and I rented Snatch,the Bourne Identity, and the Bourne Supremacy. We get home and watch Snatch. After we finish watching it he goes "Dude, I gotta watch Smallville at Midnight" so I wait, Midnight comes and it's actually on at 1. We watch it(it was sad...well to me.) and then we proceed to watch the two Bourne movies. we don't get any sleep at all, and at noon I decide to sleep for like 4 hours. Get up and go to work with Jayden...Which was alright. That was Sunday/Monday.

So on Tuesday I meet my Grandma for a baseball game. So I head down to E 43rd and Fraser meet her, and we head for dinner. Then we go to the Canadians game. and we walk down from 47 and Fraser to 33rd and Main. It was alright and then we talk down 33rd to Ontario street(none of you know where that is...ask your mommies...well except for 2 of you.) So I meet my Cousins Robin and Jamie(who are like 20-22 years older than me) The baseball game was fun. Went to extra innings but we left in the 12th because I still had an hour and thirty minute bus ride home. So I get to Joyce and take the Skytrain home...I get of at Columbia buy myself a Bounty Bar and a Coke. And go back to the platform only to find out that there is a racoon on the tracks. So that takes another 15 minutes(the racoon actually got Zapped too XD). So basically I miss all my friggen connections eh? So it takes me two hours to get home. I was not in a happy mood so basically on the ride home there's this really good looking girl and her boyfriend, and she proceeds to say something along the lines of "Oh jeez I think I broke a nail". I start to chuckle and her boyfriend goes "What are you laughing at?" and in my best pikey accent I say "Ya gilfriends a tart mate" and he just loses it and starts calling me every name in the book. So, I don't mind...until he gets off the bus and calls me a faggot. I just lose and say "Screw this" get off the bus(it was my stop anyways) and when I get off he starts pushing me, so I just Clock him, basically a two hit fight(if you get what I mean). and right in front of his girlfriend too. It was not the best of times for me I just lost it...Sorry Mates.
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