Apr 04, 2005 01:32
So, Basically this is what it is.
"Which Band name do you like the most out of these?"
Oh I got another one What's the best band name out of these
1. The Promise In December
2. The Farewell Faze
3. Modest Weather
4. When Forever Came/Comes Crashing.(either Came or Comes, which ever sounds better)
5. The Defining Moment
6. The Breakdown
7. This Impossible Dream
8. Theory Of Me And You
9. Empire Of The Sun
10. The Gunpowder Plot
11. The Finest Hour
Here's how it goes. You pick your top 3.
1. for blaa
2. for the blaa
3. blaa blaa.
P.S. Get as many people to do this as you can. Thanks.