So....finally I belive that dreams really do come true!

Dec 13, 2009 13:25

Wow it seems like its been forever since I wrote here, and I just read my last post, so much has changed since then, I can finally say that we are expecting, yup I'm 12 weeks pregnant today! and as much as my little belly is sort of there I still cannot believe that it acutally happened. After many many blood works, invasive ultrasounds, ovulation monitoring, operations, biopsies, hormone treatments, shots to my stomach, and numerous pills - now they are basically a distant memory. We had so much support from friends, family, even strangers that I felt really overwhelmed how people can really be nice and tell you that they are praying for you to get our miracle. This time around, it was different cause I finally started thinking positive, and it just felt right,I didn't shut down like every other cycle we tried to get pregnant, I told myself that this is it, that this year its going to happen, cause we deserve this, and I deserve this, and this would be the best christmas present ever, and when we went through IUI and I had to wait two weeks for the bloodwork, all through out that time I was just praying and staying positive and talking to my belly (yup I'm crazy like that) and telling her/him to grow and be healthy. So this year started off rough but its ending so well that nothing else matters, and I would like to thank all of you, who have been giving me support, praying with me and even those who unknowingly help me get through this tough time by writing stories, posting your own creative things, that helped me be distracted enough not to have time to feel sorry for myself and be depressed, so thank you again from me, my hubby and the little dream that is growing inside my belly! Stay positive, think positive believe and dreams will come true. hugs and kisses!

(my scanner sucks, I was going to post a pic of the ultrasound so maybe next time :(


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