Suck My News #5

Dec 03, 2009 10:04


A US babysitter convicted of videotaping herself performing sex acts with children as young as two-months-old has been sentenced to 125 years in prison.

Samantha Light last month pleaded guilty to three felony counts of child molesting in circuit court in Indiana.

During sentencing on Wednesday, the 26-year-old Light apologised and said she had been coerced by her boyfriend. She said while she appeared happy on the video tape she had felt like she "was dying inside."

Light and her boyfriend, Stephen E Quick II, have been jailed since March after a three-year-old girl told her mother she had been touched inappropriately by her baby sitter and that the couple had taken photographs.


I believe the most appropriate thing to say here is do you know who is watching your children? How utterly revolting. And what did she mean she was 'coerced'? These children were under her care, their well-being was entrusted to her and she just let her boyfriend 'pressure' her? What did he say to make her discard her duties, hmm? She seriously needs to straighten out her priorities because these kids were supposed to be her number one concern, not getting her fucking freak on with her fucking lover.



A couple in the UK are planning to fund their dream wedding by starring in pornographic films.

Lisa Brand and Tommy Barnes, who have four children together, told The Sun newspaper they have already earned $2300 for appearing in three X-rated movies.

In one film, Ms Brand plays a lingerie model who meets Mr Barnes' character, a photographer, and strips down for a raunchy sex scene.

In another, Ms Brand, 34, pours hot wax on her fiance's chest and spanks him with a paddle.

"I have told my mum and most of my friends, they understand. It's always been our dream to have a fairytale wedding," The Sun quotes Ms Brand as saying.

The pair plans to star in another four films to pay for their beach wedding in Cancun, Mexico next June.


I'm going to sound immensely strange here, but this is actually... kinda sweet. I mean, it's not as if they are doing the dirty on anybody else and it's being done with mutual consent. I personally wouldn't know if I could personally do that, but at least they are being sensible about it. I wonder what they will tell their children though if they ever come across these X-Rated movies?



A woman and her two children were hit by a car about 7.10pm (AEDT) on Wednesday on the corner of Leicester and Victoria streets, Carlton.

Her two-year-old son she was wheeling in a pram was dragged under the front of the car for about four metres as it came to a stop.

"The two-year-old has head injuries and significant grazes to leg, hand and face," Ambulance Victoria paramedic Tony Cuthbert said on Thursday.

"A drip was put in his arm and he was given some pain relief to settle him.

"The boy was also given some oxygen and his wounds were bandaged."

The toddler was taken to the Royal Children's Hospital in a stable condition with his five-year-old sister.

His 34-year-old mother was knocked briefly unconscious and she was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

The boy's grandmother, 67, was also at the scene but was uninjured.




Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan said that while the Church regarded homosexuality as an "insult to God", this did not justify discrimination against gay and transsexual people.

"Transsexuals and homosexuals will never enter the kingdom of heaven and it is not me who says this, but Saint Paul," the cardinal said, in comments reported by the ANSA news agency.

"People are not born homosexual, they become homosexual, for different reasons: education issues or because they did not develop their own identity during adolescence. It may not be their fault, but acting against nature and the dignity of the human body is an insult to God," he said.

Barragan, the retired head of the Vatican's Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers, quoted a passage from Paul's epistle to the Romans which speaks of "men committing indecent acts with other men".

"Homosexuality is therefore a sin, but this does not justify any form of discrimination. God alone has the right to judge," the cardinal said.

"We on earth cannot condemn, and as human beings we all have the same rights."


He is of the opinion that homosexuality is a sin, and yet he says that only GOD can judge? Then what the Hell did he just do? All of that altar boy fucking must be really messing up his sense of perception. Oh wait, it was probably messed up to begin with. If there really is a God, why does he allow people to breed to make idiots such as these?



NSW Premier Nathan Rees has launched an extraordinary attack on factional enemies in the Labor Party, labelling them as treacherous and disloyal in a press conference this morning.

Mr Rees named NSW Labor powerbrokers Eddie Obeid, Joe Tripodi and Frank Sartor as parliamentarians undermining his premiership and working to replace him.

Facing a potential leadership challenge this afternoon, Mr Rees said he would not hand the NSW government over to the three factional bosses.

"The old regime will never again dictate the fortunes of this party," he said.

"Should I not be premier by the end of this day, let there be no doubt in the community's mind that any challenger will be a puppet of Eddie Obeid and Joe Tripodi."

It is believed a no confidence motion will be moved against Mr Rees in a special caucus meeting this afternoon, to be possibly replaced by planning minister Kristina Keneally or former planning minister Mr Sartor.

But Mr Rees's tough talk at a press conference at 9am this morning showed the premier was up for a fight.

"I will lead one of sort of government and one sort of government only; a government that is modern, ethical and progressive," he said.

"Let this be made abundantly clear, I am determined to clean up politics in NSW."

Mr Rees was elected as premier last September after party dissatisfaction forced Morris Iemma to resign.


It's constantly amusing to hear politicians accusing other politicians of backstabbing considering this is what politics is now essentially about. Oh sure, he says he wants to 'clean up' politics, but it takes a lot more than words and fancy speeches to do that. It's strange that many of the people I would love to have as a country figurehead are my own friends rather than these jokers.



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