Fma Manga Ending Possibilities -Let's see which ones are right!

May 06, 2009 12:06

Manga Ending predictions--what could happen to the characters not the exact plot.

Manga Ending predictions

Ed and Al will both get their bodies back whole
Ed and Al will get separated or get separated from Winry or their world(BAD BAD )
Al will get his body back whole but Ed will keep one or two automail limbs

Who I think (NOT WHO I WANT TO) could die:
Hohenheim-for Ed and/or Al,
All Homunculi except Greedling,
Scar-saving someone’s life
The Chimeras maybe they'll be restored
Xiao Mei- :( :(--Al will comfort her though.
Alchemy itself.
Someone in Mustang’s group

Things that might happen (some crazy):
Riza almost dies but Mustang saves her.
Winry gets used as bait but Ed saves her. Later they eat pie.
Roy and Riza get married or it’s hinted to be so-as an afterward.
Hohenheim could actually survive
Scar lives, we find out his real name and he goes off to live in Xing
Al in a future scene is also in Xing with Mei and lots of cats.
Ed has three kids with Winry and Hohenheim helps raise them.
Ran Fan and Greedling get together- Ling learns to keep Greed under control.
Denny and Maria married and open a restaurant called “Denny’s” :)
Havoc has a team of women who help take care of him.
Breda will cook at Denny’s
Fuery will open his own pet shop.
Falman becomes a spy… or a butler.
Ed makes pies for Denny’s :)
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