(no subject)

Jun 20, 2006 00:51

People who are agaisnst pilles are hegenomous.
don't know what that word means it just seemed to fit right now
thank goodness ive got my brain to do the writing for me.
so been not talking to alot of people for a month or so. youd think eventually one of them would call but no well tahts not edactly true so sorry you two but still it would be nice if i actually had friends to count oin once and a while thats not true fair either. well they obviously jsut dont understand just dont get it.
But then neither do you, probably.
WIll get to go see people in CHICAGO soon two weeks no money must reslove this issue asap in order to have fun and get away neecd to be around like monded intelligentsitsia (The Quartet) i thinka perhaps the gang of four would a good name I FUCKING HATRE THIS GOthey take DDAMN COMPUTER but no one would get that one proabbly because Ah well. Not my problem once they take over. the chinese FUCKING PIECE OF WORTHLESS SHIT> I SHOUOL THROW YOU OUT THE FUCKING WINDO!
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