Quick update

Apr 09, 2018 20:51

I'll be in DC in two days, for the SAAs. I have 2 committee meetings, 2 forum discussions, and 1 paper there. I may be helping my former advisor on some quick analyses for his SAA paper--if I can get something to him, I'll end up with a quick, unplanned authorship on that paper. He just needs to get the data to me ASAP. Also, this weekend is the March for Science, so I may be participating in that. ;)

My papers for Barcelona were both accepted. Now just to co-write them over the summer and get my ass over to Spain.

The XRF project is apparently DOA--my coauthor hasn't responded to any emails in the past couple of months, so I'm writing this one off until he gets back to me. I don't have time to waste on non-responsive colleagues.

I'm slowly working on the literature review for the article on consultation. I'm still going through 20 years of writing on the topic.

People have asked me to contribute to an open-sourced text book, which I'm considering. I have a couple of people to talk to about this later this week down in DC. The original request was on indigenous archaeology and consultation, but as I'm not actually indigenous, I may not be the best person to write that section. We'll see.

I'm STILL waiting on the review for my volume to come in, though I've talked with my publisher recently and she reached out to another reviewer. Apparently I will have that review back by the end of the month. Once that comes in, I'll have to figure out how to respond to the comments (and likely rewrite 2-3 chapters). This won't be until the summer (as planned).

The color/jewelry chapter hasn't been touched--revisions will start in May (as planned).

No reviews yet for the A.C. Parker article (as planned).

Teaching is definitely not happening this coming semester, so it's Spring 2019 or nothing. Apparently people from local 4 year schools have been looking at my LinkedIn profile, though, so maybe there's a chance for a intro level course there, if this grad level seminar falls through.

I've tossed my hat in the ring for a board position on the state archaeology organization. The results of that election will be made known at the end of this month.

I also apparently will be starting a position on a board certifying field schools around the end of the summer.

I've also volunteered for a National Academies project review task force. I doubt that's going anywhere, but I managed to get on one before, so who knows. I do have the experience.

Finally, I'm trying for a research associate professor position at my school--in effect, "leveling up," so I can apply for grants. I need the money to continue the soundscape project and develop a summer field school. I've been told that there's no problem with this going forward.

So yeah.

PS--As if it's not that obvious, I tend to use these posts to keep myself on track more than anything else. But, if anyone wants to know more, feel free to ask. :)

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