Upcoming projects

Jul 03, 2017 18:26

So, I'm taking a page from nexrad's book, and plotting out my upcoming projects.

Get the final discussion/concluding chapters for my Borders & Frontiers book, and have that submitted to the editor by the 15th. (FINALLY. It's only been 3 years since that symposium.)

Once my soundscapes paper has been published (it's still only "in press"), I'll begin looking for grant opportunities to hopefully get the funding necessary to buy some instruments and travel out to NM to confirm our models. My coauthor needs to focus on completing her dissertation, so I'll have some time before this goes anywhere. If we don't get funding, then we'll just finalize the soundscape scripting and get that published.

I've also had a discussion with a former classmate of mine and we're mulling over the idea of doing a study of liminality (perhaps with sound as an aspect) within Early Medieval Irish settlements. I really like thinking about liminality, so this will be fun, if it goes anywhere.

Also, nexrad and I had a productive phone conversation this morning. We're considering working on a project together, where we investigate fractals within settlement patterns throughout a landscape. It'd be interesting to see how those relate to population growth and/or the establishment of boundaries of various sorts (if they relate to frontiers, etc). This could be a long running project with a series of papers.

I have to submit any paper proposals/abstracts by the 7th. So yeah, that first week of September will be fun. I could see those last two projects being good papers for next year's conference. After that, I have until April 11th to conduct the research and write the paper(s).

So yeah. Fun times being productive.
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