I'm only 19, swear to god.

Aug 08, 2005 22:16

My parents are looking at this house: http://www.ovalcreek.com/cgi-bin/ListingDetail.cgi?ListingID=43601&wrapper=1

I don't know what to make of it.
Usually i'd dismiss it that they're just fantasizing like they usually are.
This time, i'm not so sure.
Rick is retiring in <2 years, and they've always planned to leave here.
As much as i currently dislike being here, and as much time as i spent here, totally unhappy, and as much as whitby is worthless, i'm kinda bothered by the idea of them moving.
It's not like i intend to live in their house for any longer than i have to, but it feels like they're banking on me leaving.
part of me feels like they've already uprooted my life, there's no need to hit me with that again.
We'll see how it goes.

Beyond that, i feel so old and bitter. i feel like if i wasn't working i might just sit on my porch and threaten the kids that go by. I feel so old and unhappy because there's something wrong with everyone.
too dramatic, too angry, too intellectual, tries too hard to be intellectual, doesn't mean what they say vs what they do, too wrapped up in their music, too stupid, too oblivious, too cold, too self-righteous, too condescending, look too much like someone i hate. it goes on but you see my point.
i, of all people should be able to figure out why nobody is good enough for me anymore. and i think i -do- know why. not that knowing is really even half the battle anymore.

i worry too much. or i should say i worry more than i want to. which is to not worry at all. but i guess it's to be expected. i'm not what i used to be, to a lot of people. Nothing, different.

Who wants to watch Clue (the movie)? you have to see it to be my friend. and i think i could use some new friends.
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