Oct 05, 2018 18:31
Kind of weird how it happens: Person you have known for years, watched raise kids, and all that, seems normal. Then you go away from LJ for a year, come back, and find a weird long rant about how you have to balance those vaxxers and antivaxxers because they all have good data.
You see the autism paragraphs, and you know this person went weird. You point out that using peer reviewed sources is best because you worked at Science for years and you know good and bad research. You point out that your kid picked up Pertussus from an antivaxxer and you don't like bad science...
And when you get a 10 paragraph response telling you you're wrong and all that and you can hear the virus in their mind talking you just go "Naah, not worth saving" and dump them.
Maybe as I get older I realize that some people really can't be reasoned with in a real world setting. They enjoy having their arguments in a fantasy bubble, with other people in a fantasy bubble, and if you're not in the bubble you're a problem.
So.... Fuck it. There are people now who have drifted to the point where rape is ok, and to be honest I find that deplorable. There are people who ignore science and play word games while kids get sick and die. I find that deplorable.
But I'm not wasting time on them anymore. The only thing that fixes this is personal experience and tragedy. Anything else is just feeding the beast.
So.... Good luck.
And I'm really not here much anymore, too many Russians. But I'll check in from time to time.