Tax time at last....

Apr 17, 2017 22:18

What a mess. 35 pages of taxes that have to be filed by mail because my stupid identity was stolen. Total is I owe $900 to the state of MD, 4k refund from the feds that will probably take 6 months to arrive.

So much for cash flow. I hate having money stuck in limbo. This is the worst time for finances of course, I had to drop 6500 into Alex's IRA of win, have to pay another K to the state because of the job changes last year screwing everything up, and because of that and other things I made too much to qualify for child tax credits (2k), tuition credits for Dylan and Tara (another K) and other stuff. Sure, I feel so rich.

I mean I can't even buy a Porsche right now because I'd have to dig into the gold piles to do that. UG!

Let it go.

Aside from that this week will be the busiest week of my life. Yesterday I had to spend the day at the parents' for Easter, today is tax filing madness day, today also was get my 10 hour paper in to the class, then today also was the write an article for the damn RIA, and today I was nominated for President for next year. Great.

Tomorrow it's off to the Board of Education for an evening of listening to school stuff. Wednesday is balance the books for the PTA day, then Thursday is the PTA meeting, then Friday I had better sit down and WRITE MY FUCKING TALK FOR MONDAY!


Just need to let it all go.

finances, life, work, kids, pta, school

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