
Apr 07, 2013 07:50

Busy week. Alex's parents came up from MS, and I think they helped blunt the insanity that is spring break for the kids. They're good people, and to be honest we all enjoyed being together. No flaming drama, no overt insanity, just a good visit.

Tara's birthday was Friday, she is 13 now and getting taller. She's still crazy but in a goofy and sweet way. Maybe they will miss the overt cynacism thing that seems to happen to people, I don't know. But it's funny to have a pair of 13 year olds in the house, and with Bri being six and losing a tooth the fun never ends.

Spring is finally here, which means yard work. It's not quite warm enough to start painting windows, but it was warm enough to cut some more logs from that fallen tree. There are a couple of other trees that might fall way in the back, so I have enough wood out there if needed. Splitting the logs is tough work, but oddly enough it does serve to relax my mind. Given that I have a lot on my mind about work, about being 44, and so forth it helps a lot to be able to sit and think while swinging an axe.

OH foo, kids are starting to wake up. Well, it is 8am on a Sunday so that is to be expected. Time to start making breakfast and all that.


thoughts, life, gardening

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