Jan 20, 2013 16:11
Man, I feel like I have been run over by a tractor beam. That Barfleet party was *serious* stuff, and Nauticon right after it was basic sport death. Ah well, I slept in till 10am this morning, then got up, made a big big pot of coffee, drank a lot of water, and got out of the room by noon. Then went down to the con suite, chatted with Pammie for a bit. She's a really good egg overall, the kids tend to expand your viewpoint, and I can see how she's changed over the years. It's a good thing, it's called growth.
Also chatted a bit with some people about people who don't want to grow or something like that. I don't know: I'm not a perfect person on that ground by any means but I like to think that when the chips are down I make the right choices. And running off with the beautiful people.... Well, I did that at 18, that part of my life is over. Maybe that's why I don't go for burning man.
In fact it makes that party bus moment at Defcon long ago come into focus. Come on the party bus CZ, there is action and adventure and all that sort of thing! Naah, been there, got the Sport Death T shirt, take this kid and put him on the bus. I don't need to take up that seat....
After that wandered for a bit, said some goodbyes, and got on the bus for the airport. Arrived here still hung over, didn't want to deal with the millimeter wave scanners, so asked to be hand searched. Very thorough, but the poor guy kept trying to make eye contact and I was staring through his head and at a point about a thousand miles behind him....
Still, my mental processing is fully operational, which is good. Now I'm waiting for the airport, soon I will fly home to my family who I love and adore. That's the place where I am now, it's somewhere I couldn't be 20 years ago and won't be in 20 years. I'm here now. Good to be here, and to enjoy everything it has to offer.