Prospers: What's the point?

Dec 30, 2012 19:57

So I logged into Prospers this evening for a few minutes. It's the usual yammering, bashing, whining about Obama or for Obama or whatever. And I think:

"Why the fuck did I waste any time on this?"

After the school shooting everyone was saying stupid things. And I posted that I wasn't going to post for a bit. Then I wrote something and Pinky the asshole was all over me with "I thought you were'nt going to post, you liar". And you know, he was right. So I signed out for a week.

Then back. Same old yammering. So I signed out for a week. Then back this evening. Same waste of time. Same everyone trying to prove everyone "wrong". Same crappy advice.

You know, I signed up on that board because the one thing we had in common was that we were all stupid enough to have lent on Prosper. But that was 7 years ago now, at this point every person on that forum has had every cell die and be replaced or something. That was one life ago.

So... Why am I even bothering to be there?

Maybe that's a ghost of a past life, one that should die with the end of the year.

The problem is that is one of the few forums I am on that is mostly populated by people with opinions diametrically opposed to my own. We used to have something to talk about, prosper borrowers. It was the thing that held us together, transcended the boundaries. But now it's just an echo chamber, there is no talk about borrowers, lenders, fiscal responsibility, life, things like that. It's like sitting in a chamber of quacking ducks.

Yes, it's fun to read posts from 4 years ago warning about beans and bullets, 2 years ago warning about how the stock market was going to implode, and 2 months ago when "Barry"(?) was going to have his ass handed to him in the election by the Noble Tea party. It's fun to read about the 20% inflation we should be having now, and the people who wasted money by pulling it all from the stock market back in 2009.

But that is all schadenfreude, and the value of "it's worth seeing if these people are right or wrong" has been totally proven by history and life. It's time to stop whacking off on that.

I think I'd rather be somewhere, contributing somewhere, that has people who share an interest I have that come from a wide cross-section of the population. Maybe I should join the NAWCC in a bigger way. Maybe I should join something else. Maybe I should go to more Masonic meetings (where I *DO* have some very big things in common with everyone, no matter what else we may think or be).

Hm. But I don't think I will stay on propsers. It's been a good run, but it is time for that part of my life to die and stop haunting me.

Fascinating. Yes, one of my goals for 2013 will be to hang out with a group of people diametrically opposed to my beliefs that we share some common things to bring us together

I'll have to think of some more. But that part of my life is coming to a close. Time to turn the page.


thoughts, finance, resolutions, prospers, politics

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