Briefly, the characters I was nominated for in the
jesteros meme and who I want
Renly Baratheon -(I want this like I want a peach cobbler. A lot. ;) Self campaigned, so far uncontested)
Arianne Martell- (Briefly considered posting sexy pictures of myself as a campaign for this until I realized that was probably just continuing to campaign for Renly. Besides, the two campaigners both deserve it more.)
Doran Martell-(Not offended by this. Someone must think I am smart but...I don't really see it.)
Penny-(I don't think I am quite this sweet and naive, but I do like Tyrion and performing!)
Jeyne Poole-(Kim campaigned for me to be this for all the best reasons. Want it quite a bit, though if the other person gets it, I understand. :))
Jojen Reed-(Hmm. I used to read tarot cards/still do occasionally? lol. This one is random. Someone else can have I it think)
Samwell Tarly-(How flattering! I don't think I am smart or good enough to be Sam but I suppose that is a Sam thing to say. It would be hilarious if I somehow got
Sam and Renly)
Tom O'Sevens-(When so very few people have heard me sing! How nice! Still, this is a great one for James)
Garlan Tyrell-(I am a Tyrell and I would be nice to Tyrion I guess? OH LOL AND I'D PRETEND TO BE RENLY. There are good people campaigning though)
Val-(Flattering as hell! lol. No super need for this, you can vote others. But it is freaking flattering so if you must vote me.)
Wun Wun-(I campaigned for this one on a lark. ;))
I was also nominated for Margaery but don't vote me that. It was an error. I was Margaery in the first game.