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Jul 15, 2011 11:15

Went to the GRRM (ever notice that if you say that outloud it sounds like "grim") book signing last night, but tragically had to stay on the the floor below with the smallfolk and didn't get to hear him speak. To add insult to injury, the guy in front o me for the actual signing thought my book was his so he spoke to George and I didn't get to say anything. (I was just gonna shake his hand. I considered telling him I was Theon's #1 fan, but was afraid of what his reaction to that would be.) I was annoyed that after all that I didn't get to have a moment with him, but I didn't want to make a big fuss on stage because of it. Besides, some host person was asking what houses people were in and when I yelled "Tyrell" I think George looked Got to meet misstopia though! Then Kim and I went to Good Burger withesc_key. So, it was indeed a good night, if a bit ridiculous. Should be finishing the book up today!

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