(no subject)

Mar 30, 2010 21:27

I really want Minerva McGonnagall to make it through to the final two at chickfight. Just sayin'. I really think she should. Votevotevote. She's extremely badass.

Last night we went to a Passover Seder. Passover is the Jewish holiday that means the most to me and my family and so I'm glad we did that. It's weird, I feel like I have a new relationship with Judaism after working for the Orthodox Union but I'm not sure what that is. One thing's for sure...I really like wearing skirts now.

I just almost passed out in my Nia class. This is alarming to me that a couple of weeks of unemployment apparently made me significantly weaker.

I want to...no, I need to do script frenzy this year but I don't have a long idea so I think I'm gonna do a bunch of short plays inspired by myths. I've been working on a Persephone type thing this week that I don't know how great it is...but I'm gonna hold off until april 1st and then continue it. Then I have a vaggggue Hera and Hercules idea, a Isis, Osiris and Set idea and maybe a weird Medea thing (I've been trying really hard for female protagonists) but this is all going to require research and that makes me grumpy.

I should stop writing in here now.

health, spiritual, books, writing, feminism, work, harry potter

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