So there's one thing I wanted to talk about on here. (Okay, there are millions of things I mean to write about and never do, but that's neither here nor there.) ( vegetarian stuff, also I'm really hungry )
Also, try looking at WHAT yr eating. I don't find myself eating a ton more than I did when I ate meat however if yr eating mostly raw foods and veggies, you might as yr right in that they obviously don't pack in as much fat as you need. Try eating more fat actually like beans, nuts, avocados, etc. Theres nothing wrong with HEALTHY fat and like you've noticed, yr body is craving it for a reason. Also, grains are good for filling you up but stick to more whole grains like wheat instead of white for instance to get the full nutrition. If you'd like to hopefully lose weight with vegetarianism, while I could be accused of being biased here, cut down on the dairy. Dairy is pretty much mostly fat with little nutritional value. Again, you can find other sources of fat or substitutes that will give you the nutrition you need with little fat and no cholesterol. And for missing yr favorite dishes, theres no reason you need to! Almost anything can be veganized or vegetarianized. You could cook yrself or you could also go to one of the fuckton of vegetarian restaurants in the city. If yr gonna cook yrself, just take yr favorite recipes and substitute the ingredients. Or look online at places like or use google to see if someone else already created a recipe. I can still have swedish meatballs, tacos, lasagna, 'beef' stew, etc. Try more ethnic foods too from cultures that don't rely on meat as much as we do like asian food, indian, african, mexican, etc.
Yeah, I suppose I'm being a bit lazy here. The chinese food place near me actually has fake meat and their mock chicken with brocoli is delicious. I know that there are some good stuff about eating less dairy too, I guess I'm just not ready to give it up yet.
Eh, its probably better to not deprived yrself of everything all at once anyway. Baby steps! Again, I'm not trying to push you towards veganism or anything but just pointing out that dairy products are extremely fatty. Think about it, mammals produce milk for their offspring so they'll quickly gain weight and grow. OF COURSE that's gonna be way fattening, that's the point! So cutting down at least would help in the weight loss goal.
I got links up the wazoo concerning animals and animal bi-products.
If you'd like to hopefully lose weight with vegetarianism, while I could be accused of being biased here, cut down on the dairy. Dairy is pretty much mostly fat with little nutritional value. Again, you can find other sources of fat or substitutes that will give you the nutrition you need with little fat and no cholesterol.
And for missing yr favorite dishes, theres no reason you need to! Almost anything can be veganized or vegetarianized. You could cook yrself or you could also go to one of the fuckton of vegetarian restaurants in the city. If yr gonna cook yrself, just take yr favorite recipes and substitute the ingredients. Or look online at places like or use google to see if someone else already created a recipe. I can still have swedish meatballs, tacos, lasagna, 'beef' stew, etc. Try more ethnic foods too from cultures that don't rely on meat as much as we do like asian food, indian, african, mexican, etc.
And mmmm, Indian food.
I got links up the wazoo concerning animals and animal bi-products.
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