(no subject)

Oct 23, 2008 13:41

A couple of things:

I went to Atlantic City with Rajiv and his friend Jeff on saturday. It was something Rajiv and I had talked about doing since before we'd turned 21 so...at 23, we kind of finally had to. I wish I'd had a bit more money and planning so we could have done the hotel thing but it was a lot of fun and I'm really glad Rajiv talked me into just going and doing it. And as far as gambling goes, I actually won money. ;) Not much, but I played cautiously and Rajiv got me a lucky penny at a rest stop.

We also saw W. I was expecting a lot out of the movie and...I don't think I got it. I felt for something as big as a movie about the life of a current president it needed to more clear about what it was trying to say. Sure, there were good preformances but I don't think I left there feeling like I had gotten a new or even very clear perspective on George Bush.

Also, shameless promotion for my dad. http://www.marketamerica.com/artbrownshops/

It's his "unfranchise" and a marketing arm of google. Basically, if you go there, like what you see and register as a prefered customer you can buy stuff from all sorts of place (Apple, Barnes and Noble, Bloomingdales, etc) and get points to get more stuff. And you give him points. Check it out!

family, money, rajiv

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